Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sick Days

Well I've been sick off and on since Sunday but I am convinced that my body knows when I have plans.  It's illness schedule is going something like this:

Sunday-pumpkin carving with friends...sick
Monday-Halloween plans with friends...sick
Tuesday-no plans...feeling so much better
Wednesday-housewarming party/one chance to see visiting fried...sick
Thursday-work dinner...feeling so much better, so far

I think my body is plotting against me.  This on and off pattern of sick when I have plans to see a visiting friend, and healthier when I have a free night is not very considerate. Anyone else ever have this on and off pattern?


  1. I was recently sick and it was the same thing, off and on. It made sure to be on for halloweekend though... go figure.

  2. What a pain, body! Hope you're feeling 100% soon!

  3. "I'm making some split pea soup so that SICKY won't feel SICKY anymore!"

  4. Awwww... get well soon! I hardly ever get sick, but when I do, it's the pits. :(

    Cute socks!

  5. Cute photo! I started to get sick but, for whatever reason, a full glass of red wine before bed each night seemed to push it along in two days! Much tastier than Nyquil.


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